Call to Action

Learn more about the current legislation affecting women in STEM and how you can take action
Public Advocacy


As a member of the Society of Women Engineers’ Pittsburgh section, our mission is to empower women in STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and improve workplaces for all women.
I am writing to thank you for introducing The Family Care Act (HB181/SB580) and HB474, and I would like to express my support of these bills. PA workers need, and deserve a comprehensive family and medical leave program, available to all workers, that ensures Pennsylvanians don’t have to make an impossible choice between caring for a new baby, a seriously ill family member, or their own health and recovery, and a paycheck.
The PA Family and Medical Leave Act along with HB474 will help support financial stability, support working caregivers, and provide more flexibility to small businesses.

Thank you!

Advocate for the Family Care Act

A bipartisan group of 54 lawmakers in the PA House are promoting The Family Care Act (HB 181), which would offer up to 20 weeks of leave to care for a new baby or elderly family member, or a medical emergency. Similar bipartisan legislation, SB 580, was introduced recently in the Senate.

Use the form to the left to send a message to PA State Senator Jay Costa (D – Allegheny County) or PA House Representative Dan Frankel (D – Allegheny County) to let them know of your support for these bills.

Let’s Stay in Touch!

Mailing address:
Society of Women Engineers
c/o Engineers’ Society of Western PA
337 Fourth Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
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