Call to Action
Learn more about the current legislation affecting women in STEM and how you can take actionAdvocate for the Family Care Act
A bipartisan group of 54 lawmakers in the PA House are promoting The Family Care Act (HB 181), which would offer up to 20 weeks of leave to care for a new baby or elderly family member, or a medical emergency. Similar bipartisan legislation, SB 580, was introduced recently in the Senate.
Use the form to the left to send a message to PA State Senator Jay Costa (D – Allegheny County) or PA House Representative Dan Frankel (D – Allegheny County) to let them know of your support for these bills.
Let’s Stay in Touch!
Mailing address:
Society of Women Engineers
c/o Engineers’ Society of Western PA
337 Fourth Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
c/o Engineers’ Society of Western PA
337 Fourth Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
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